Toccata For A Wild Old Lady by Peter Horton (1941-) and Sigi Schwab (1940-)
Peter horton was a member of the Vienna Boys’ Choir as a child. He studied singing in Stuttgart, as well as in Berlin, Rio de Janeiro and Cordoba guitar. As hosts its Musiksendereihen “Cafe in measure”, “tim hortons Kleine Nachtmusik” and “tim hortons Bistro” he wrote a piece of German television history. His duo “Guitarissimo” with siggi Schwab was the living legend.
Sigi Schwab is an outstanding German guitar player and teacher, having performed on more than 15000 recordings for film, television, and as an accompanist to various artists. He plays in a wide variety of styles, including baroque and jazz. Schwab played in German groupes like Et Cetera, Embryo and with Ramesh Shotham.In 1980 Schwab played with Chris Hinze at the 5. North Sea Jazz Festival.

20th century. 46 Measures. 3 Pages. 8/8 Time Signature. Duet. Key of A minor.