
BWV 408 Behold Ye Sinners by Johann Sebastian Bach (Guitar Tab)

BWV 408 Behold Ye Sinners by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) In the early 1700s, Bach’s chorales enchanted listeners with their inventive harmonies, chromaticism, contrapuntal motion, and changes of tonal center. Since that time, music students the world over have studied the chorales as a paragon of “common practice” harmony and voice leading. And, by virtue …

BWV 408 Behold Ye Sinners by Johann Sebastian Bach (Guitar Tab) Read More »

BWV 654 Deck Thyself Dear Soul by Johann Sebastian Bach (Guitar Tab)

BWV 654 Deck Thyself Dear Soul by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) In the early 1700s, Bach’s chorales enchanted listeners with their inventive harmonies, chromaticism, contrapuntal motion, and changes of tonal center. Since that time, music students the world over have studied the chorales as a paragon of “common practice” harmony and voice leading. And, by …

BWV 654 Deck Thyself Dear Soul by Johann Sebastian Bach (Guitar Tab) Read More »

Danza Delle Silfidi by Hector Berlioz (Guitar Tab)

Danza Delle Silfidi by Hector Berlioz (1803-1869) Hector Berlioz was a French Romantic composer, best known for his compositions Symphonie fantastique and Grande messe des morts (Requiem). Berlioz made significant contributions to the modern orchestra with his Treatise on Instrumentation. He specified huge orchestral forces for some of his works; as a conductor, he performed …

Danza Delle Silfidi by Hector Berlioz (Guitar Tab) Read More »

BWV 40 Soar Upwards to Thy God by Johann Sebastian Bach (Guitar Tab)

BWV 40 Soar Upwards to Thy God by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) In the early 1700s, Bach’s chorales enchanted listeners with their inventive harmonies, chromaticism, contrapuntal motion, and changes of tonal center. Since that time, music students the world over have studied the chorales as a paragon of “common practice” harmony and voice leading. And, …

BWV 40 Soar Upwards to Thy God by Johann Sebastian Bach (Guitar Tab) Read More »

BWV 190 Sing The Lord A New Song by Johann Sebastian Bach (Guitar Tab)

BWV 190 Sing The Lord A New SonG by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) In the early 1700s, Bach’s chorales enchanted listeners with their inventive harmonies, chromaticism, contrapuntal motion, and changes of tonal center. Since that time, music students the world over have studied the chorales as a paragon of “common practice” harmony and voice leading. …

BWV 190 Sing The Lord A New Song by Johann Sebastian Bach (Guitar Tab) Read More »

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