no barre chords

When That I Was And A Little Tiny Boy by Anonymous (Guitar Tab)

When That I Was And A Little Tiny Boy (from Twelfth Night) by Anonymous (16th century, English) On the stage, music played an important role. There was a special musicians’ gallery above the stage; sometimes the music was played on the stage itself; and there were even occasions when it was played under the stage …

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Bourree by Georg Philipp Telemann

Bourree by Georg Philip Telemann (1681-1767) Georg Philip Telemann was a German Baroque composer and multi-instrumentalist. Almost completely self-taught in music, he became a composer against his family’s wishes. He held important positions in Leipzig, Żary, Eisenach, and Frankfurt before settling in Hamburg in 1721, where he became musical director of the city’s five main …

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Scherzino by Gerog Philip Telemann

Scherzino by Georg Philip Telemann (1681-1767) Georg Philip Telemann was a German Baroque composer and multi-instrumentalist. Almost completely self-taught in music, he became a composer against his family’s wishes. He held important positions in Leipzig, Żary, Eisenach, and Frankfurt before settling in Hamburg in 1721, where he became musical director of the city’s five main …

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Mr Dowland’s Midnight by John Dowland

Mr Dowland’s Midnight by John Dowland (1563-1626) John Dowland was an English Renaissance composer, lutenist, and singer. He is best known today for his melancholy songs such as “Come, heavy sleep”, “Come again”, “Flow my tears”, “I saw my Lady weepe” and “In darkness let me dwell”, but his instrumental music has undergone a major …

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