
Skoodle Loo Doo by Blind Blake (Guitar Tab)

Skoodle Loo Doo by Blind Blake (1896-1934) Blind” Blake was an American blues and ragtime singer and guitarist. His first recordings were made in 1926 and his records sold very well. His first solo record was “Early Morning Blues” with “West Coast Blues” on the B-side. Both are considered excellent examples of his ragtime-based guitar …

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Poi Che Volse La Mia Stella by Joan Ambrosio Dalza

Poi Che Volse La Mia Stella by Joan Ambrosio Dalza (fl 1508) Joan Ambrosio Dalza was an Italian lutenist and composer. Nothing is known about his life. His surviving works comprise the fourth volume of Ottaviano Petrucci’s influential series of lute music publications, Intabolatura de lauto libro quarto (Venice, 1508). Dalza’s music is, for the …

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