BWV 778 Invention No 7 by Johann Sebastian Bach (Guitar Tab)

BWV 778 Invention No 7 by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

It is believed that Bach’s intention was to bring the 15 inventions together as a single work along with his three-part piece known as the Sinfornias, confirmed by the way that they are presented in a manuscript penned in his own hand in 1723. These inventions demonstrate contrapuntal technique and explore musical expressions while developing motids in a logical fashion.

Bach use the term “invention” as a play on words. In today’s musical practice, invention pertains directly to this body of work; however, Bach uses it to describe an idea that could be used as a compositional theme with the intention that this type of technical exercise could inspire those who studied these pieces to develop a more musical approach.

Baroque Era. 23 Measures. 3 Pages. 4/4 Time Signature. key of E minor. Duet for 2 guitars. Taken from Bach Invention fo Guitar Duet by Jerry Willard.

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