Nortena by Jorge Gomez Crespo (1900 – 1971)
Jorge Gómez Crespo was described by Irma Costanzo, a leading South American guitarist, as ‘a man at the forefront of the intellectuals and musicians of Buenos Aires, who for many years was head of the guitar department of the Buenos Aires Conservatory.’ His most well known guitar work, Norteña, evokes the landscape and people of northern Argentina. John W. Duarte, composer and critic, described this piece as a ‘simple but beautiful traditional Indian lullaby transcribed by the Argentinian composer Gómez Crespo and transmuted by the magic of Andrés Segovia’s harmonisation and arrangement into an evocative piece of poetry in sound’.

Latin. Time Signature 3/4. Key of E minor. 55 measures. 4 pages.