
Wascha Mesa by Hans Newsidler

(Wascha Mesa) Italian Dance by Hans Neusidler (1508-1563) Hans Neusidler was one of the leading figures in the development of 16th cnetury German Lute music. He achieved considerable success not only as a performer and composer, but also as a lute maker and teacher. His sons, Melchior and Conrad (he had 13 children altogether), were …

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Opus 60 No 15 by Matteo Carcassi (Guitar Tab)

Opus 60 No 15 by Matteo Carcassi (1792 – 1853) Matteo Carcassi was a famous Italian guitarist and composer. Carcassi began with the piano, but learned guitar when still a child. He quickly gained a reputation as a virtuoso concert guitarist. Carcassi wrote a method for guitar (op. 59) that remains valuable, relevant and interesting, …

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Estudio in G by Dionisio Aguado (Guitar Tab)

Estudio in G by Dionisio Aguado (1784-1849) Grade 2– Early Intermediate Dionisio Aguado was a Spanish classical guitarist and composer. Born in Madrid, he studied with Miguel Garcia. In 1825, Aguado visited Paris, where he met and became friends with lived with Fernando Sor. Aguado’s major work Escuela de Guitarra was a guitar tutorial published …

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Tarleton’s Riserrectione by John Dowland

Tarleton’s Riserrectione by John Dowland (1563-1626) John Dowland was an English Renaissance composer, lutenist, and singer. He is best known today for his melancholy songs such as “Come, heavy sleep”, “Come again”, “Flow my tears”, “I saw my Lady weepe” and “In darkness let me dwell”, but his instrumental music has undergone a major revival, …

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Prelude 7 in A by Francisco Tarrega (Guitar Tab)

Prelude 7 in A by Francisco Tarrega (1852-1909) Tárrega is considered to have laid the foundations for 20th century classical guitar and for increasing interest in the guitar as a recital instrument. Tárrega preferred small intimate performances over the concert stage. Some believe this was because he played without the nails needed for volume. Others …

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Etude 17 (Opus 6 No. 11) by Fernando Sor (Guitar Tab)

Etude 17 (Opus 6 No. 11) by Fernando Sor (1778-1839) Time 3:00 Fernando Sor was a Spanish classical guitarist and composer. He is best known for his guitar compositions, but he also composed music for opera and ballet, earning acclaim for his ballet titled Cendrillon. Sor’s works for guitar range from pieces for advanced players, …

Etude 17 (Opus 6 No. 11) by Fernando Sor (Guitar Tab) Read More »

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