
What If A Day Or A Month Or A Year by Anonymous (Guitar Tab)

What If A Day Or A Month Or A Year by Anonymousby Anonymous (English 16th century) There was a great flowering of sacred and instrumental music, including music for the lute. The lute was brought to Europe in the 13th century by the returning crusaders. It was originally played with a plectrum, usually a feather …

What If A Day Or A Month Or A Year by Anonymous (Guitar Tab) Read More »

Bonny Sweet Robin by Anonymous (Guitar Tab)

Bonny Sweet Robin by Anonymousby Anonymous (English 16th century) There was a great flowering of sacred and instrumental music, including music for the lute. The lute was brought to Europe in the 13th century by the returning crusaders. It was originally played with a plectrum, usually a feather tip. Later the plectrum was discarded in …

Bonny Sweet Robin by Anonymous (Guitar Tab) Read More »

Coventry Carol by Anonymous (Guitar Tab)

Coventry Carol by Anonymousby Anonymous (English 16th century) There was a great flowering of sacred and instrumental music, including music for the lute. The lute was brought to Europe in the 13th century by the returning crusaders. It was originally played with a plectrum, usually a feather tip. Later the plectrum was discarded in favor …

Coventry Carol by Anonymous (Guitar Tab) Read More »

Medieval Dance by Anonymous (Guitar Tab)

Medieval Danceby Anonymous (English 16th century) There was a great flowering of sacred and instrumental music, including music for the lute. The lute was brought to Europe in the 13th century by the returning crusaders. It was originally played with a plectrum, usually a feather tip. Later the plectrum was discarded in favor of plucking …

Medieval Dance by Anonymous (Guitar Tab) Read More »

Wilsons Wilde by Anonymous (Guitar Tab)

Wilsons Wildeby Anonymous (English 16th century) The Renaissance (which means “rebirth or “revival”) began around 1400 and ended in the early 1600s. The musicians and artists of the Renaissance looked back to classical models, spawning a new era of artistic growth. With the invention of the printing press, music became avaialble to the public as …

Wilsons Wilde by Anonymous (Guitar Tab) Read More »

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