
Panaderos by Esteban De Sanlucar (Guitar Tab)

Panaderos by Esteban De Sanlucar (1910-1989) Esteban de Sanlúcar (1910-1989) was a guitarist and composer Spanish gender flamenco. He began his musical career in private meetings and cabarets, theater companies involved subsequently with Pepe Marchena and Angelillo , among others. The last forty years of his life were spent in Latin America , in Venezuela …

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La Malaguena by Traditional (Guitar Tab)

La Malaguena by Traditional A malaguena is a dance from the southern Spanish seaport Malaga. It is in the family of the fandango, which is in triple time (usually 3/4) and danced by couples to guitar and castanet accompaniment. Chords are strummed from bass string to treble (towards the floor) and from treble to bass …

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Curvas (Rumba) by Paco Pena

Curvas (Rumba) by Paco Pena (1942-) Paco Peña is a Spanish flamenco guitarist. He is regarded as one of the world’s foremost traditional Flamenco players. Pena began performing throughout Spain with a government-sponsored folk music and dance program where Peña established himself as a highly-regarded accompanist to Flamenco dance and singing.

El Abanico (Guajiras) by Paco Pena

El Abanico (Guajiras) by Paco Pena (1942-) Paco Peña is a Spanish flamenco guitarist. He is regarded as one of the world’s foremost traditional Flamenco players. Pena began performing throughout Spain with a government-sponsored folk music and dance program where Peña established himself as a highly-regarded accompanist to Flamenco dance and singing.

El Mirador (Farruca) by Paco Pena

El Mirador (Farruca) by Paco Pena (1942-) Paco Peña is a Spanish flamenco guitarist. He is regarded as one of the world’s foremost traditional Flamenco players. Pena began performing throughout Spain with a government-sponsored folk music and dance program where Peña established himself as a highly-regarded accompanist to Flamenco dance and singing.

Marcha Militar by Bartolome Calatayud (Guitar Tab)

Marcha Militar by Bartolome Calatayud (1882-1973) A prominent Majorcan guitarist and composer whose passion towards the guitar brought forth music full of harmony and expression. A great personality who established a position as the best Majorcan guitarist and one of the best concert performers of Spanish guitar music, a contemporary of Llobet and Segovia.

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