Easy Pieces

Opus 241 No 17 by Ferdinando Carulli (Guitar Tab)

Opus 241 No 17 by Ferdinando Carulli (1770-1841) Ferdinando Carulli was born in Naples, Italy on February 10, 1770. Carulli’s first musical instruction was on the cello, but he soon turned his attention to the guitar. Carulli was entirely self taught, as there were no guitar teachers in Naples at the time. Despite having no …

Opus 241 No 17 by Ferdinando Carulli (Guitar Tab) Read More »

Allemande de court by Emanuel Adrianssen (Guitar Tab)

Allemande de court by Emanuel Adrianssen (1554-1604) Emmanuel Adriaenssen was a Flemish lutenist and influential author of Pratum Musicum. This contains lute solos, and more importantly settings of madrigals for multiple lutes and different ensembles involving lutes and voices giving much study material for the researcher into renaissance performance practice. The ensemble pieces have been …

Allemande de court by Emanuel Adrianssen (Guitar Tab) Read More »

Am See (Opus 15) by Carl Henze

Am See (Opus 15) by Carl Henze (1872-1946) Carl was a german guitarist, mandolist, composer and conducter. Karl was taught by a german guitarist Wilhelm Conrad. Karl also was taught by a mandolist Michele Fasano and Swiss hapist August Zurfluh. Karl later became a teacher of guitar and conductor for the berlin mandolin orchestra.

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