Song BWV997 Prelude by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
![]() Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, violist, and violinist whose sacred and secular works for choir, orchestra, and solo instruments drew together the strands of the Baroque period and brought it to its ultimate maturity. |

Lute Suite. Time Signature| 4/4. 5 pages. 55 bars. A minor (Originally in C Minor)
This piece is very intricate and beautiful at the same time. The challenge is all left hand with the multiple finger positions. Why i like bach above all is his usage of counterpoints. Multiple voices-abundant in this tune. You have to hold the bass in every measure.
Guitar Demo (Ioana Gandrabur)
Memorize all of it also because it is over 50 bars (page flip). It took me a month to memorize. Good idea to break the piece into chunks. Give yourself time to work through the parts and then put it back together. I’ve browse through youtube to further understand the fingering. Free feel to change the tab. There are a lot of possibilities in left hand fingering, i have chosen the easiest way, best suited for me. Lastly, dont slur too much. Use pull offs and hammer ons only if you find right hand plucking too fast or awkward.
Guitar Pro Playthrough
[8][32][39][51] Hinged barred Chords. Flatten index to barre to sound note. Fast to deliver, save you one finger to sound the second note.
[11]-[12] Tricky Quaver double stops. (2 notes) with bass/treble. I often stumble here as I find it to be a finger tangler. Go slow at first.
[16][28][39] Semi quavers double stops. There are 3 of them that took some time to get familiar. Go slow to get familiar with the notes.
[40][42] Holding a chord. In a C chord shape. slide index half step down (1 fret) as your pinky interchange between (e and g) strings. Keep the chord in place by using you thumb to firmly hold down the chord.
[46][47] Tricky left hand. My left hand feels hot after these bars because they are a lot of stretches and positions. I stumble here a lot as well.