Bach for Guitar. Easy to intermediate pieces by J.S. Bach including Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring, Bourr?e and more. Musical and technical information accompany each piece, and helpful fingering suggestions are also included.
Howard Wallach was born in Cleveland, Ohio where, at the age of ten, he began performing on both jazz and classical guitar. After studying with the guitar virtuoso Miguel Rubio at the Conservatory of Lausanne, Switzerland, he completed his Bachelor of Music at the Peabody Conservatory of the John Hopkins University under the renowned educator Aaron Shearer. His graduate studies were undertaken at the University of Houston.
Menuett Sarabande Marche Musette Polonaise Bourree |
Jesu, joy of Man’s Desiring Andante Sarabande Menuett Sarabande Little Piece in F Major Gavotte I Gavotee II |
Good Points
- Standard Notation including Tablature
- Sign and Symbol explaination
- Background History of the Lute with many pictures
- Left hand fingering included
- Detailed Description for every piece
Bad Points
- No Audio CD
- Wish there were more pieces
- Naming of the pieces can be better. No BWV Number i.e Sarabande is BWV995
Final Words
This bach book is up there as one of the best. I especially like the background history of each piece. This book also did a great job demystifying the Lute. The spread of bach pieces are good also ranging from pieces from Anna Magdalena’s Notebook to somber Cello Sarabande to the lively pastoral Musette. Get your copy of Bach for Guitar by Howard Wallach.
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Book Details
Paperback: 64 pages
Publisher: Mel Bay Publications, Inc. (November 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0786634251
ISBN-13: 978-0786634255
Product Dimensions: 11.4 x 8.4 x 0.3 inches