Author name: class clef

Ural Rowan Tree (Uralskaya Ryabinushka) by Roland Dyens (Guitar Tab)

Ural Rowan Tree (Uralskaya Ryabinushka) by Roland Dyens (1955-2016) Dyens is a French/Tunisian classical guitarist, composer, and arranger. He studied guitar with the Spanish classical guitarist Alberto Ponce and analysis with Désiré Dondeyne. As a performer, Dyens is known for his extraordinary capacity for improvisation. Essentially unique among classical guitarists. His guitar music draws on …

Ural Rowan Tree (Uralskaya Ryabinushka) by Roland Dyens (Guitar Tab) Read More »

Concert Etude by Tatiana Stachak (Guitar Tab)

Concert Etude by Tatiana Stachak Tatiana Stachak (born 1973) is a Polish Guitarist. She is currently actively engaged in educational activities; giving lectures and workshops in music schools, guitar courses and at festivals, and promoting her methods of teaching. Since 2021 she has been working with the Academy of Music in Cracow, where she teaches …

Concert Etude by Tatiana Stachak (Guitar Tab) Read More »

Saltarello by Anonymous (Arranged by Narciso Yepes) Guitar Tab

Saltarello by Anonymous (Arranged by Narciso Yepes) The saltarello is a musical dance originally from Italy. around late-fourteenth- or early fifteenth-century. It is usually played in a fast triple meter and is named for its peculiar leaping step, after the Italian verb saltare (“to jump”). This characteristic is also the basis of the German name …

Saltarello by Anonymous (Arranged by Narciso Yepes) Guitar Tab Read More »

Allemande de court by Emanuel Adrianssen (Guitar Tab)

Allemande de court by Emanuel Adrianssen (1554-1604) Emmanuel Adriaenssen was a Flemish lutenist and influential author of Pratum Musicum. This contains lute solos, and more importantly settings of madrigals for multiple lutes and different ensembles involving lutes and voices giving much study material for the researcher into renaissance performance practice. The ensemble pieces have been …

Allemande de court by Emanuel Adrianssen (Guitar Tab) Read More »

BWV 1035 Allegro Assai (Flute Sonata) by Johann Sebastian Bach (Guitar Tab)

BWV 1035 Allegro Assai (Flute Sonata) by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, violist, and violinist whose sacred and secular works for choir, orchestra, and solo instruments drew together the strands of the Baroque period and brought it to its ultimate maturity.

BWV 1035 Siciliano (Flute Sonata) by Johann Sebastian Bach (Guitar Tab)

BWV 1035 Siciliano (Flute Sonata) by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, violist, and violinist whose sacred and secular works for choir, orchestra, and solo instruments drew together the strands of the Baroque period and brought it to its ultimate maturity.

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